Vegan Lentil Sloppy Joes

LentilSloppyJoe [dropcap custom_class="normal"] L[/dropcap]ast night's meal, Vegan Lentil Sloppy Joes (my second #newrecipeaweek this week), came from Food52.

It was a hit with the hubby.

And, while I appreciated its flavor profile and the way it made my house smell, it was too spicy for my taste buds. (But I'm a wimp when it comes to spices. When dining out, I always order my Indian dishes "mild.") I'd probably make it again, but cut back on the chili powder.

What I appreciated was that this was a vegan Sloppy Joe that relied on lentils, not some sort of meat stand-in like tofu or seitan. It's just a whole food dish, that, aside from having to soak the lentils the night before, didn't take much time to pull together.

And for the record, my husband eats pretty much anything, including meat, and I'm a long-time vegetarian who also eats small amounts of fish and a couple "humanely treated cow" burgers a year *** — and who likes to experiment with all types of vegetarian/vegan recipes.


*** When I was working at the Colorado Springs Independent, I awarded an IndyPick during our annual Best Of competition to the one local place I go for a burger.

IndyPick • Reason to Temporarily Break Your Vegetarian Stance

Marcello Burger at The Margarita at PineCreek

(7350 Pine Creek Road, 598-8667,

I'm a vegetarian primarily for moral reasons. Most days I just can't detach the being that lived on this planet from the food it's become. And yet, a couple of times a year my body just craves meat. When this happens, I typically hold off as long as I can, then I turn to my husband and ask, "Margarita at PineCreek?" The Marcello Burger, available on the lounge and patio menu, is topped with gooey white cheddar, sweetly caramelized onions and, lord, oh lord, smoked bacon. It is protein perfection on a soft bun. And because Margarita is committed to working with Ranch Foods Direct and local ranches to source high quality, hormone- and antibiotic-free meat from humanely treated animals, I can take some solace in knowing those I'm consuming at least lived healthy, respected lives. — KA

Homemade chai syrup

NewRecipeChai[dropcap custom_class="normal"] L[/dropcap]ast fall I made a commitment to myself to try making one new recipe a week (search my former attempts via #newrecipeaweek on Twitter and Instagram). Somewhere along the way a friend introduced me to my newest online addiction, Food52. (Previously most of my new recipes came from 101 Cookbooks, which I still love. Let's just consider this branching out.)

This week's new recipe is a Homemade Vanilla Bean Chai Syrup.

I made it last night, let it sit in the fridge overnight and stirred a big spoonful of the syrup into an also-big cup of hot PG Tips black tea just now. And I gotta say, it's quite tasty.

Scraping beans from a vanilla pod was a messy adventure, and when I make it again, I'll probably try the Savory Spice vanilla bean paste I've got in my cabinet. But beyond that, highly recommended.

Before we say goodbye to 2013 ...

[dropcap custom_class="normal"] T[/dropcap]here's something exciting about a brand-spankin' new website and blog. (Hello, world!)Sparkle And it can be so easy to get all caught up in the sparkle and shine of the turn of a year. But before we all get sucked into the newness of 2014, will you hang out with me for a bit while I revisit a few of my favorites of 2013?

When it came to reading...

While this and this are still on my really-gotta-read-soon list, these were my favorite books this year — fiction, nonfiction, cookbook.

As for eating...

Best cooking website that I discovered? Food52 by far.

Which brings me to my #newrecipeaweek project. I drooled over this sweet treat. This savory soup. And this amazing bean dish. (And I'm still on track to keep the at-least-one-new-recipe-a-week thing going in 2014, so follow that journey on Twitter or Instagram.)

How about simplifying?

When it comes to closet-cleaning-out, Project 333 is the bomb. (Yes, I just wrote "the bomb." Whatevs.) Haven't a clue what's actually in your clothes closet anymore? I know the feeling. And Project 333 can help. Just beware — it'll bleed over into other parts of your home.

Just a few more quickies...

• Transcribing still sucks, but it's a little easier with this.

• A friend's screenshot art project.

• Seth Godin's blog, and this idea in particular.

Death Over Dinner.

• How to make jam.

And to wrap it all up...

A little self-promotion. And gratitude. I was so, so blessed to be able to work on this story for the Colorado Springs Independent.

Cheers, 2013.